Air Conditioning

Replacement A/C unit for better cold air

It doesn’t matter where we are in the country, even the temperate climates can call for some cold A/C. What we know is when it’s out and we need it, it can be an uncomfortable day quick. There are four things that happen in every A/C: humidity control, heat transfer, temperature control, and ventilation. When our air conditioning is running correctly, then all is right in the world. When it is not, call the doctor, police, and a RV tech because someone is getting hurt, someone is going to have to pay, and someone is going to fix it! Nobody likes feeling sticky while a fan blows hot air on us.

All of these components factor into the temperature in our rig getting down to what we desire. Okay time to talk a little nerd to you for a bit, I hope that’s okay. There is something called delta T, it’s a fancy was of saying change in temperature. The average difference in a fully functioning air conditioning unit no matter what the brand is 18 to 20 degrees from the outside air temperature to what is coming out of the unit. Depending on where you are putting your landing gear down, those numbers will fluctuate. Less of a difference in humid Florida, 12 to 16 degrees, while dry Arizona you may see 20 to 26 degrees difference. If you think that the air coming out of the unit is on the low end or under these numbers based on where you are, you may have an efficiency problem. Or as we like to call it, an efficiency deficiency.

RV repair A/C units for people
Adjust temperature in RV

There are many things at work within the A/C unit as well as in the attic of your rig that could impact the efficiency of your A/C. So, no matter how low you set the thermostat, it may never seem to get to where you want it. The normal wear and tear of driving down the road can cause issues. Think driving through Louisiana or southern Texas, bumpy central! The shake, rattle, and roll that happens crossing over these places can make things get knocked out of place, wires undone, spill your favorite beverage, or a host of other things. An RV is a house on wheels.

There is also typical maintenance that may need to be done. We recommend getting up on the roof two times a year to do some cleaning and looking for any debris or critters than may have made their home. And just as a little tip, spring and fall are the best times (it’s not as hot!). Depending on where you stored your rig over the winter or for the last season, there are birds, squirrels, bugs, and next-door neighbors that could have made a little refuge for themselves that could be impacting the efficiency of your unit.

Roof top RV AC unit Dometic

Sadly, some RVs roll away from the manufacturer or dealership with some leftover design issues that need some work as well. Some notable issues may be improperly sealed duct work, dividers not installed in correct placed, and more. These are some more advanced issues but are still repairable and will increase the efficiency of the unit.

One final thing that helps a ton with efficiency and it may take away from the Feng Shuai of your rig is the cover of your A/C unit on the roof. We all have that experience when we sat down on some black leather seats in summer and our shorts hike up a little too far and the fire alarm goes off on our legs. People fall into two categories when this happens either you are the type of person who grits their teeth, tells the seat who is going to win this battle, and stays seated while the feeling of 1000 scorpion stings on your legs happens until it stops because of loss of nerve endings or the heat all transferred and equalized, OR you are the type of person who yelps at somewhere between 3 and 4 octaves higher than your normal voice and hop out of the car or try to do some sort of gymnastics move thrusting your body off of the seat while screaming it’s HOT! it’s HOT! At this point, there are at least 2 people watching and laughing at what just happened. Whichever person you are, that is what is happening underneath your black covered A/C unit and all that heat is what the unit must overcome as it is trying to cool your rig. Switching to a white cover (which is available for most units) can quickly increase the efficiency of your unit. Did you forget what you were reading about for a minute there? Apologies, squirrel!

Whatever type of unit you have, Dometic, Coleman, Furrion, GE, or Advent, they need a little love if you want to have cold A/C for your trips ahead. Our team is equipped and trained to handle the job. Get in touch with us for any repairs, maintenance, or walkthroughs you may need. We are in this together!